Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2024-07-26T12:02:31+05:00 Dr. Saqib Mahmood Open Journal Systems <p><strong>RESEARCH OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SMC-PRIVATE) LIMITED(ROSS) Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (N0. 0218990</strong> is an educational set up to manage the educational and research activities with modern scientific devices for the welfare and to educate the nation with these objectives</p> <ul> <li>To improve the quality of education and research activities</li> <li>To provide the chance to avail modern method of teaching and learning to students, teachers and researchers.</li> <li>To held conferences, lectures, discussions to raise research activities</li> </ul> <p>Pakistan Social Sciences Review (PSSR) publishes original and quality research in all disciplines of social sciences. PSSR is a <strong>Triple-Blinded peer-reviewed</strong> <strong>open access</strong> multidisciplinary research journal that publishes <strong>Quarterly</strong>. This academic research journal addresses both applied and theoretical issues in social sciences in English language. Likely subscribers are universities, research institutions, governmental, non-governmental agencies and individual researchers.</p> Parental Perceptions of Early Childhood Education (ECE) Benefits in Punjab, Pakistan: A Mixed Methods Study 2024-07-26T12:00:07+05:00 Abdul Qayyum Asif Nadeem Amber Saeed <p>This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing parental perceptions of Early Childhood Education (ECE) benefits and enrollment decisions in Punjab, Pakistan. Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs offer numerous benefits for children's cognitive, social, and emotional development. However, parental perceptions and enrollment choices can be influenced by various factors. This study explores these factors within the context of Lahore District, Punjab, Pakistan. A mixed methods approach was employed, utilizing a descriptive survey questionnaire administered to 150 parents and focus group discussions to gain deeper qualitative insights. The study identified limitations in Lahore's ECE school infrastructure, parental background (particularly education level) influencing enrollment decisions, and teacher qualifications and motivation as key factors impacting parental perceptions. Based on the findings, recommendations are made to improve Lahore's ECE system. These include strategic resource allocation for infrastructure development, targeted outreach programs to educate parents about ECE benefits, and investments in teacher quality through professional development and competitive compensation packages.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Social Sciences Review Factors Shaping Career pathways of Students with Hearing Impairments: A Comparative Analysis 2024-07-26T12:02:31+05:00 Asma Kanwal Rukhsana Bashir Komal Shahzadi <p>The study explored what shapes the career paths of students with hearing impairments, focusing on a quantitative, descriptive approach. With limited research addressing this group, this study aimed to fill the gap by investigating influential factors. A purposive sample of 115 students was selected from nine divisions of Punjab, using a validated questionnaire covering ten domains. With a reliability coefficient of 0.995, the survey collected data for analysis. The results highlighted that financial considerations and education are the most significant factors in career choices. Extracurricular activities, global integration, and technological advancements also play notable roles. Personal interests, role models, cultural norms, family influence, and peer groups were found to support career decisions. These elements create a complex, interconnected web influencing career planning. The study found that gaps in these areas often negatively impact career choices. Addressing these barriers is essential for fostering positive career pathways for hearing-impaired students. The study recommends creating comprehensive support systems to effectively empower and guide these students in their career journeys.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Social Sciences Review