Pakistan Social Sciences Review <p><strong>RESEARCH OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SMC-PRIVATE) LIMITED(ROSS) Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (N0. 0218990</strong> is an educational set up to manage the educational and research activities with modern scientific devices for the welfare and to educate the nation with these objectives</p> <ul> <li>To improve the quality of education and research activities</li> <li>To provide the chance to avail modern method of teaching and learning to students, teachers and researchers.</li> <li>To held conferences, lectures, discussions to raise research activities</li> </ul> <p>Pakistan Social Sciences Review (PSSR) publishes original and quality research in all disciplines of social sciences. PSSR is a <strong>Triple-Blinded peer-reviewed</strong> <strong>open access</strong> multidisciplinary research journal that publishes <strong>Quarterly</strong>. This academic research journal addresses both applied and theoretical issues in social sciences in English language. Likely subscribers are universities, research institutions, governmental, non-governmental agencies and individual researchers.</p> RESEARCH OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SMC-PRIVATE) LIMITED(ROSS) en-US Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2664-0422 <p><img src="" alt="Open Access" /></p> <p><strong>RESEARCH OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SMC-PRIVATE) LIMITED(ROSS)</strong> &amp; <strong>PAKISTAN SOCIAL SCIENCES REVIEW (PSSR)</strong> adheres to <strong>Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License</strong>. The authors submitting and publishing in <strong>PSSR</strong> agree to the copyright policy under <strong>creative common license 4.0 (Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International license)</strong>. Under this license, the authors published in <strong>PSSR</strong> retain the copyright including publishing rights of their scholarly work and agree to let others remix, tweak, and build upon their work non-commercially. All other authors using the content of <strong>PSSR</strong> are required to cite author(s) and publisher in their work. Therefore, <strong>RESEARCH OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SMC-PRIVATE) LIMITED(ROSS)</strong> &amp; <strong>PAKISTAN SOCIAL SCIENCES REVIEW (PSSR)</strong> follow an <strong>Open Access Policy</strong> for copyright and licensing.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Signatory of DORA" /></a></p> Mediocre Demons: Marginalized but Implicated Subject Changez in Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist <p>The objective of this research is to prove, that Changez in The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2007) by Mohsin Hamid is an implicated subject. The idea of implicated subject was introduced by Michael Rothberg (2019), according to him implicated subjects hold such positions in which they can be found associated with and getting benefits from structure of power and at the same time they consciously or unconsciously ignore the violence perpetuated by that powerful structure. The research is conducted after textual analysis, that is, the approach is Qualitative. The research concludes that Changez was caught in complex implication as he was marginalized by one way, but he can still be an implicated subject in another way. The present research recommends that the trauma narratives need to widen its scope by not only reflecting upon perpetrators and victims but also bringing in attention the role of implicated subjects in the perpetuation of trauma.</p> Batool Rao Zainab Batool Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 9 1 01 14 10.35484/plhr.2025(9-I)01 Exploring the Role of Language and Ecology in Fatima Bhutto’s The Shadow of the Crescent Moon <p>The objective of the study is to analyze the connectedness of language and ecology in The Shadow of the Crescent Moon by Fatima Bhutto. Stibbe (2015) theoretical framework provides the basis for content analysis and explores how language serves in forming the sense of place, identity and landscape and how it finally influences the perception of the environment by the reader. It attempts to consider how the language reflects the writer's choice concerning regional dialects and indigenous languages, and choice in view of the close relationship that exists between language, culture and ecology. The findings demonstrate the effects of language and ecological motifs in Fatima Bhutto’s The Shadow of the Crescent Moon and help to understand the author’s concept of environmental deterioration and political conflicts as well as the impact of language on the development of ecological awareness.</p> Muhammad Ajmal Tayyaba Hussain Rifa Anjum Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 9 1 15 26 10.35484/plhr.2025(9-I)02 Women Portrayal in Contemporary Pakistani Films <p>Media became the strong force in shaping and making global village. Cinema is the source of making cultural and traditional norms specifically gender based. Pakistani Cinema faces different phases while it’s developing stages. In the current era, it has been revived and focus on important aspects of society. This study aims to find the women portrayal in contemporary Pakistan films that how their depiction has been changed from docile being towards empowered roles who challenged the patriarchal ideologies and struggled for their rights. It works to highlight the women portrayal in contemporary Pakistani films that either it reinforce the gender stereotypes or present them in strong characters. The women portrayal before revived cinema did not address the women’s issues by representing them docile and dependent creature. The inattentive address on women’s concerns was the main reason of Pakistani cinema down fall. After the revival, Pakistani films emphasize on women’s portrayal by presenting their problems and positive image. It is a qualitative study and critical discourse analysis applied to see the focus of women’s portrayal in-depth in the contemporary films based on themes. The results shows that contemporary Pakistani films promoting women’s strong place in the society and making contributions towards their positive portrayal by discussing their issues and presenting struggles of them in the male dominated culture. The women in this film era achieve their goals towards empowerment and cross the hurdles of societal pressures. This study focuses on the feminist discourse in contemporary cinema regarding women portrayal that would develop more balanced gender portrayal in films to educate and contemplate the viewers. The research opens new avenues for cinema research and would benefit women in society by reducing patriarchal practices. It will also facilitate in policy making of cinema goers to come up with such productions that provide balanced gender portrayals and use this medium effectively to address the women's issues existing in Pakistan.</p> Saba Sadiq Noshina Saleem Hanan Ahamad Mian Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-05 2025-01-05 9 1 27 40 10.35484/plhr.2025(9-I)03 Environmental Issues and the Interconnection between Humanity and Nature in Shakespeare's King Lear: An Ecocritical Perspective <p>The objective of the study is to analyze how the natural world is represented in Shakespeare's King Lear and its relationship with the human condition, focusing on themes such as ecological disruption, human hubris and the interdependence of all living beings. Shakespeare uses the storm as metaphorical and realistic symbol of ecological disharmony which mirrors social instability in romantic and political relationships. The research is qualitative in nature and uses content analysis by utilizing ecocriticism as a theoretical framework. The study also shows how people such as Lear and Gloucester transform from beings who view nature as something over which they have power over to beings who have to bow to the force of nature. The implications of the study are akin to the agenda of ecocriticism as the play raises the concern of human nature’s detachment from nature and that nature should be preserved in order to achieve social-cohesiveness.</p> Saima Yousaf Khan Fizzah Iqbal Aqsa Kiran Safeer Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 9 1 41 49 10.35484/plhr.2025(9-I)04 Exploring the Role of School Leaders in Addressing the Issue of Teachers’ Retention in the Context of Karachi Pakistan <p>This study investigates the role of school leaders in addressing the issue of teacher retention in semi-government schools, located in Karachi, Pakistan. By applying a qualitative case study methodology, it gathers insights, through semi-structured interviews, from principals and teachers regarding leadership practices and their impact on teacher retention. Thematic analysis reveals that effective leadership practices, such as professional development, mentorship programs and supportive work environments, significantly enhance teacher satisfaction and retention. However, challenges like bureaucratic barriers and limited resources hinder these efforts. The findings highlight the need for policy reforms and greater support from educational authorities to overcome these obstacles. This research contributes to understanding educational leadership and teacher retention, emphasizing the unique context of Karachi’s semi-government schools. It also offers practical recommendations to strengthen leadership practices, helping sustain teacher retention in these institutions.</p> Muhammad Abdullah Farooq Javed Razia Fakir Mohammad Atifa Saleem Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 9 1 50 60 10.35484/plhr.2025(9-I)05 The Two-Nation Theory: Historical Roots, Political Implications and Contemporary ‎Relevance <p>The paper then aims to study the historical background of this theory, analyse the political impact of the Two-Nation Theory and evaluate on the significance of Two-Nation Theory in the modern world. Born in colonial India it was based on the view that Hindus and Muslims constituted two nations with sheer cultural and religious dissimilarities; which paved way for demand for Pakistan. The study employs historical, descriptive and analytical research method which includes colonial documentation, speeches and secondly a historical analysis of literature review of communalism and partition. The study progress identifies that the theory formulated through analyzing British colonial policies, reform movements within communalism and the political awakening of Muslims to Partition 1947. Since the early 1990s, this theory has been widely worked over, and its nature present impacts the nature of bilateral relations between India and Pakistan and the internal socio- political situation in both countries. It suggests preserving cultural memories to foreground common histories, encouraging religious tolerance and resolving competing communal claims through appreciable polices in South Asia.</p> Khizar Jawad Ghulam Shabbir Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-09 2025-01-09 9 1 61 69 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)06 Stakeholder Participation in Local Healthcare Governance and Development under UN SDG-3: Strategies for Decentralized Coordination, and Role Definition: Lessons from Pakistan <p>This research <strong>aim</strong> to explore role of stakeholders and participation in improving access to healthcare and social care systems for local communities, (<strong>background)</strong> especially in relation to UN SDG-3 and focuses on development and service delivery within the local government framework. This study utilize a <strong>(Method) </strong>qualitative research approach and employed semi-structured interviews to collect insights from the government officials. The <strong>results</strong> reveal that collaborative involvement improves operational efficiency and health-care outcomes while promoting equitable access to health care services for marginalised communities. However, these benefits are often undermined by self-centred conflicts and interests rooted in entrenched malpractices and political agendas, leading to further marginalization. This study also <strong>highlights (recommendations)</strong> the <strong>significance</strong> of <strong>inclusive governance structures</strong> that prioritize mechanisms of engagement with marginalised communities ensuring their needs met. Moreover, it contributes to stakeholder theory by stressing the necessity of addressing power dynamics in building sustainable healthcare systems that meet the needs of native communities, predominantly those that face marginalization.</p> Sulman Naeem Mirza Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-10 2025-01-10 9 1 70 86 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)07 Neocolonialism through Neo-Liberal Institutionalism: Unleashing FATF’s Manipulation of Pakistan driving Policy Changes <p>The objective of this study is to explore the neoliberal institutionalization is towards realism than to liberalism because international order has been designed and not destined in a way to restrict the decision making power exclusively to the Masters. IGOs like FATF are utilized as mere tools to legalize the agenda undertaken by the Masters. It is done in a legal sense by ‘internationalization’ of laws without keeping into consideration municipal laws and legal system. Economically it is done by promoting notions of ‘free market’ and ‘corporatism’ and politically by promoting western democratic values to be adapted in the name of ‘peace’ and ‘shared community’. The methodology is used in this research is mix method research has been conducted to highlight FATF’s neocolonial agenda to maintain the status quo in international relations and system. Published documents by FATF have been analyzed on jurisprudential basis to unleash geopolitical interests of so called apolitical technical organization. The result of this study Pakistan has been critically analyzed as per FATF’s standards and a distinction has been created between ‘terrorism’ and ‘terror’ thus proving that there is no alternative for the LDCs in the international order except to obey the Masters. This study recommends that democratic values should be preferred over power politics, assessment process, helping to achieve its outcomes. FATF should not be used to put pressure of sanctioning on the states.</p> Muhammad Saqib Nawaz Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-10 2025-01-10 9 1 87 101 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)08 Comparative Analysis of Parents’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Schoolchildren’s Psychological Well-being and Resilience-building <p>The objective of this research was to investigate parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of schoolchildren’s psychological well-being and resilience-building as influenced by virtual violence (from cartoons, animated movies and video games), bullying, and socioeconomic status. Building resilience is crucial for schoolchildren to improve and sustain psychological well-being, enabling them to perform at their best in daily life. For this qualitative study, conducted in rural areas of six districts (Southern Punjab, Pakistan), a multistage sampling procedure was used to recruit 96 stakeholders (48 teachers and 48 parents) for semi-structured interviews. The results reveal that parents’ approach to psychological challenges is largely reactive whereas teachers adopt a broader, more holistic perspective to foster resilience-building in schoolchildren. Considering the poverty level in rural South Punjab and its connection with students' significant psychological challenges, this research recommends that the provincial government train school management and teachers to engage parents effectively and incentivise parents' participation in parental guidance programmes.</p> Rabia Munir Norsuhaily Binti Abu Bakar Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-10 2025-01-10 9 1 102 115 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)09 A Structural Perspective of Market Orientation and its impact on Quality Assurance: A Study of Public and Private Universities in Pakistan <p>This study examines the structural dimensions of Market Orientation (MO)—formalization, departmentalization, and centralization—and their impact on Innovation Capability (IC) and Quality Assurance (QA) in Pakistani higher education institutions (HEIs). Understanding the interplay between MO, IC, and QA is critical for enhancing institutional performance and aligning HEIs with global standards. Data were collected from 350 respondents, including 190 from private and 160 from public universities, using a structured questionnaire. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to assess the direct and indirect relationships among the variables in PLS-SEM. The findings indicate that MO significantly influences IC and QA, with private universities demonstrating stronger mediating effects of IC due to their agile structures and competitive orientation. In contrast, public universities face bureaucratic challenges limiting innovation. The study recommends reducing centralization in public universities and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration while encouraging private universities to sustain their innovation-driven strategies. These insights support policymakers in pursuing structural reforms for sustainable development.</p> Ahsan Javaid Asif Yaseen Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-10 2025-01-10 9 1 116 130 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)10 Misuse of Social Media: Impacts on Pakistan Politics <p>Social media, which provides unmatched chances for interaction and discussion, has completely changed political communication in Pakistan. However, its abuse has made democratic government and processes extremely difficult. This study explores the various ways that social media abuse has a detrimental influence on Pakistani politics, such as the proliferation of false information, the intensification of political division, the increase in cyberbullying, and the swaying of public opinion by trolls and bots. To demonstrate the disastrous effects of uncontrolled social media use, real-world examples are analyzed, including the 2018 general elections and the way social media shapes public opinion during political campaigns. The report also emphasizes the moral dilemmas raised by data exploitation and micro targeting, which jeopardies voter openness and privacy. Qualitative methodology used in this study to explore, and describe the misuse of social media and its impact on politics. To go forward and reach a conclusion, research would have utilized both descriptive and analytical methodologies.It suggests Strong regulatory frameworks, improved media literacy, and the adoption of moral political behavior are all necessary to address these issues. By putting these strategies into practice, the negative consequences of social media abuse can be lessened, guaranteeing that these platforms function as instruments for positive political participation rather than as vehicles for disinformation and division. To maintain the integrity of Pakistan's democratic institutions, governments, platforms, and users must work together immediately, as this thorough analysis highlights.</p> Sudaish Kumari Sahr Rafaqat Tooba Shabbir Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-11 2025-01-11 9 1 131 143 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)11 Examining the Role of Workplace Safety in Mitigating Employees’ Presenteeism and Procrastination through the Lens of Islamic Work Ethics <p>This study intends to explore the moderating role of Islamic work ethics in measuring the impact of Workplace safety on employees’ presenteeism and procrastination behavior. IWEs ensure accountability and strong commitment to the brilliance by motivating employees to be diligent on their tasks. Such motivation reduces procrastination by fostering a secure work environment. Employing the data gathered from 200 university workers through questioners, the study used regression to explore how a secure work environment contributes to control the negative behaviors and investigates the ethical framework defined by IWEs in improving the workplace efficiency. The results confirm that workplaces security has a negative and strong association with presenteeism and procrastination, underlining the significance of producing a safe and supportive work framework to promote workers’ well-being. Furthermore, the findings show that IWE weakens the association among workplace security and workers’ attitude as employees led by ethical values demonstrate less inclinations towards presenteeism and procrastination. This study underlines the strong role of workplaces security and ethical principles in promoting productive workplaces, providing precious insights for companies seeking to improve workers’ productivity and performance.</p> Nyela Ashraf Beenish Shabbir Shawar Haroon Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 9 1 144 156 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)12 Harnessing Data Science for Sectoral Efficiency in the Governance Framework of the Punjab <p>This study intends to explore the moderating role of Islamic work ethics in measuring the impact of Workplace safety on employees’ presenteeism and procrastination behavior. IWEs ensure accountability and strong commitment to the brilliance by motivating employees to be diligent on their tasks. Such motivation reduces procrastination by fostering a secure work environment.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Employing the data gathered from 200 university workers through questioners, the study used regression to explore how a secure work environment contributes to control the negative behaviors and investigates the ethical framework defined by IWEs in improving the workplace efficiency. The results confirm that workplaces security has a negative and strong association with presenteeism and procrastination, underlining the significance of producing a safe and supportive work framework to promote workers’ well-being. Furthermore, the findings show that IWE weakens the association among workplace security and workers’ attitude as employees led by ethical values demonstrate less inclinations towards presenteeism and procrastination. This study underlines the strong role of workplaces security and ethical principles in promoting productive workplaces, providing precious insights for companies seeking to improve workers’ productivity and performance.</p> Rana Eijaz Ahmad Osama Sharoon Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 9 1 157 171 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)13 Analyzing the Evolution of China-Taiwan Relations: US as a Factor <p>The purpose of this study is to discuss role of US in China-Taiwan relations. According to Colonel Skinner, the resolution of the ROC dispute between PRC and the U.S. remains uncertain but possible. Given the longstanding involvement of the U.S. in this issue, it is likely to persist for many years into the future. What we are talking about here is one of the most dangerous flashpoints in the world, where there is a potential for hot war involving America and PRC. For PRC, this is an atavism from its civil war tension and Cold War past which was never resolved then but has become infinitely more urgent now. There are many people in the American who ask themselves: "Why do we have to pay so much for ROC and help her, especially since fighting over it could result in a nuclear standoff with mighty PRC?" The same, is necessary to understand what makes PRC so determined in its quest for ROC that they are willing to risk other political and economic ends. Employing a power-theory approach, this qualitative study investigated multiple sources of data: books, journals and the internet. The behavior of the United States in fact did a lot to put things where they are today menacingly poised as evidenced by military aid, ambiguous affirmation or dispute over territorial claims on PRC against ROC base upon political convenience and for the economic-cultural health linkages built. It recommends phasing out American ambiguity toward ROC in support of a more impartial American mediation approach towards the PRC-ROC issue. A true mediator is supposed to remain neutral in order to help both parties reach a peaceful solution.</p> Ayesha Atiq Hafsa Zafar Ghulam Mustafa Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-15 2025-01-15 9 1 172 181 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)14 Need of Judicial Reforms in Pakistan: Ensuring Accountability and Transparency in Courts <p>A strong legal system, founded on the sacred principles of justice, forms the bedrock of a civilized society. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s legal framework has not kept pace with the burgeoning demands of its people, leading to a backlog of cases, delayed justice, and widespread disillusionment. The primary objective of this paper is to give those reforms which can help in reducing the burden of cases since there are approximately more than two million cases that are undergoing trial in Pakistani courts. Justice in Pakistan has become a myth and an unaccessible tool due to delay in justice which is basically its denial and some of the reasons are discussed in this Article. The methodology used in this paper is Doctrinal and data is collected from Various Books, Articles, blogs and news papers. In Pakistan, Justice has become both a dream and an impossible goal so at first instance the research discuss the need of reforms, Secondly The study differentiate the reasons in non delivery of justice and delayed delivery of justice, In result this Article contributes in minimizing the culture of Adjournments and system of unaccountability in Pakistan specially in lower courts, so the justice can be prevailed, In the end it suggests the Practical Reforms in a very detail for revival of justice in Pakistan.</p> Danish Bashir Mangi Liaquat Ali Magsi Umair Ali Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-15 2025-01-15 9 1 182 194 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)15 Territorial Tensions between China and India: Impacts on Regional Security <p>Territorial tensions between China and India in the regions along the LAC, such as along the Himalayas, raise significant regional security concerns across Asia. Such long-pending disputes with military face-offs and diplomatic friction tend to affect not only both countries' stability but that of the Indo-Pacific region overall. The study examines how these tensions are influencing regional security and suggests what can be done to mitigate the threat of war. Some key strategies for preventing war involve strengthening diplomatic dialogue, augmenting confidence-building measures, increasing economic interdependence, and encouraging multilateral cooperation. In addition, the study suggests conflict prevention mechanisms, increased participation by world players, and initiatives towards redressing the underlying historical and territorial disputes. Qualitative approach adapted to explore the issues between these two countries and its impact on regional security. By focusing on constructive diplomacy, mutual understanding, and collaborative security frameworks, the study underlines the pathways through which China and India can settle their disputes peacefully and bring about long-term stability and prosperity in the region. India and China must cooperate in the multilateral framework of the SCO and the ARF. This would strengthen the regional security dialogues to bring them closer together and promote cooperation on issues of shared challenge such as terrorism, climate change, and nontraditional security threats.</p> Uswa Tubassam Muqaddas Ayub Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 9 1 195 203 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)16 Evaluating the Cultural and Social Impacts of the 2009 Military Operation in Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK): A Case Study of Operation Rah-e-Rast <p>This study seeks to explain the implications of military operation in Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). In May 2009, Pakistan launched Operation Rah-e-Rast to reclaim control of the Swat Valley from Taliban insurgents challenging state authority. This extensive military campaign had both positive and negative impacts on the region. This study offers an analytical framework, by applying qualitative approach to examine the social and cultural outcomes of the Rah-e-Rast operation, focusing on the various losses experienced by civilians. Despite its success in combating militants, the kinetic nature of the operation caused significant destruction, adversely affecting the local infrastructure, education system, economy, tourism, and the cultural and psychological well-being of the residents. The resulting devastation hindered the region's development and left the threat of the Taliban lingering. This research is valuable and offers recommendations for policymakers and future researchers, helping them address the concerns of the affected population, formulate more effective policies, and adopt softer approaches for achieving long term peace.</p> Muhammad Mehmood Khan Sajid Iqbal Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-22 2025-01-22 9 1 204 220 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)17 Ranking Major Cities of Punjab, Pakistan: A Multi-Dimensional Sustainability Assessment <p>This study evaluates the sustainability of six major cities in Punjab, Pakistan, through a multi-dimensional assessment spanning from 2003 to 2022. The cities were ranked based on six key dimensions e.g (economy, infrastructure, cultural aspects, resource consumption, environmental factors and social factors) of sustainability by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and an overall ranking was calculated by Composite Indices Scores. The findings reveal that Faisalabad and Bahawalpur exhibit relatively higher sustainability in aggregate scores, while Lahore and Rawalpindi perform poorly. Sargodha (-32.54) and Multan (-6.88) appear moderately under-performer. Bahawalpur and Faisalabad's favorable performance is attributed to lower population density, minimal changes in cultivation areas, reduced pollution levels, and lesser pressure on resources compared to Lahore and Rawalpindi. The study concludes and recommends policies i.e formulation of data driven strategies, modernize infrastructure, to reduce disparities among cities and promote overall development of the province.</p> Nabeela Kousar Sofia Anwar Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-24 2025-01-24 9 1 221 240 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)18 Climate Change Damages to Agricultural Loan Recoveries and Financial Stability: A Fresh Insight from a Developing Country <p>This study investigates the impact of expected loan recoveries on the financial stability of Pakistani banks that are providing agricultural loans. The study explores short and long-run relationship, as well as its consideration of control variables and the potential impact of climate change factors on agricultural loans that add original insights to the existing literature on the nexus of farmers’ loans and banks stability in Pakistan. This study assesses the impact of climate-induced losses to loan recoveries on the financial stability of Pakistani banks engaged in providing agricultural loans for the sample period from 2000 to 2021 in the presence of control variables such as non-performing loans, profitability, equity-to-liabilities ratio, and retained earnings-to-total assets ratio. It constructs a specially designed composite index to measure Climate Change based on long-term weather data and employ the ARDL (Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag) technique to estimate the short and long-run association of expected loan recoveries on the financial stability of Pakistani banks. This study finds that the recovery of agricultural credit from farmers has a negative impact on the financial stability of banks in the short run but a positive impact in the long run. This indicates that banks may be insuring agricultural credits against damage due to climate change factors such as heavy rains out of season and extreme temperatures. This study suggests the importance of strong collaborations with private-public partnerships to ensure the effective utilization of agricultural loans on the micro-level to avoid financial instability.</p> Fakhr Ul Wahab Muhammad Sajid Amin Sadia Fazil Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-24 2025-01-24 9 1 241 254 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)19 Assessing the Impact of Financial Stress Shock Volatility in the USA on the Exchange Rates of Emerging Economies <p>This study examines the influence of the USA's Financial Stress Index (FSI) on the Exchange Market Pressure Index (EMPI) of ASEAN countries, focusing on how both positive and negative FSI shocks affect exchange rates under different market conditions.<br>Global financial stress causes currency volatility, which threatens investor confidence, trade competitiveness, and economic stability in emerging economies. The research uses a non-linear Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model to analyze the asymmetric relationship between FSI shocks and EMPI in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, categorizing the effects into low, normal, and high exchange market pressure regimes. The study finds that both positive and negative FSI shocks affect the exchange rates of ASEAN countries, with high-pressure regimes amplifying the risks of currency crises. Policymakers should focus on understanding financial stress transmission, strengthening domestic financial systems, and developing proactive risk management strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of global financial volatility.</p> Ramshah Tajammal Sadia Butt Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 9 1 255 273 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)20 Theoretical Foundation and Power Mechanism of Sports for Rural Revitalisation <p>Based on the background of rural revitalisation strategy, this study focuses on ‘the theoretical basis and driving mechanism of sports for rural revitalisation’. With the in-depth implementation of the national strategy of rural revitalisation, sports are playing an increasingly significant role in fostering the social and economic advancement of rural areas. The object of the study is mainly the development of sports in rural areas and its role in promoting rural revitalisation. The research method adopts literature review to deeply analyse the theoretical basis and practical path of sports to help rural revitalization. The findings of the study show that sports can effectively contribute to rural revitalisation, with a solid theoretical foundation and diversified power mechanisms. In the future, the potential of sports in rural revitalisation should be further explored to promote the deep integration of sports with rural economy, culture, society and other fields, so as to contribute more to the implementation of rural revitalisation strategy.</p> Qu Qiumei Zhang Wei Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-01-28 2025-01-28 9 1 274 28 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)21 Development and Validation of The Cultural Stressors Assessment Scale for Unmarried Young Adults <p>This study aimed to develop a culturally sensitive scale to assess stressors among the unmarried Pakistani population. Eco-Cultural Stress theory of Weisner was used as a theoretical model. A total of 500 individuals were selected through convenient sampling. In first step, focus group was conducted with 8 participants that generated 45 items. In Stage 2, items were reviewed based on expert consultation. Then for Pilot Testing, the scale was administered to 200 participants. Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed on 300 participants, confirming a KMO of 0.808.EFA resulted in a 36-item. Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirmed a 20-item scale consisting of two factors. The 20 item scale demonstrated test-retest reliability (0.861*). Convergent validity checked against the Perceived Stress Scale was (0.61). Discriminant validity assessed using the General Self-Efficacy Scale was (0.13). This scale can be used by professionals to enhance the mental health of young individuals.</p> Sibgha Irshad Muneeba Shaki Copyright (c) 2025 Pakistan Social Sciences Review 2025-02-04 2025-02-04 9 1 285 299 10.35484/pssr.2025(9-I)22