Investigating Metacognitive Reading Strategies to Overcome Barriers in English Reading Comprehension at Kohat University of Science and Technology Kohat ,KP, Pakistan


  • Faryal Khan MS Scholar , Department of English , Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan
  • Dr. Abdus Samad Chairman , Department of English , Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan


Factors, Metacognitive, Reading Comprehension Strategies


This study aimed to investigate the role of metacognitive reading strategies used by the students to overcome barriers in English reading comprehension at Kohat University of Science and Technology, KP, Pakistan. The BS English students, a total of 150 samples, were selected through a simple random technique for this study. The Sequential Explanation Mixed Method Study Design was used to collect data from the English Department, to explore students' perceptions of factors that influence reading comprehension , and develop comprehension this is certainly reading metacognitive reading techniques. Analysis of the questionnaire was conducted using SPSS version 22, and interviews were analyzed through content analysis. The results were presented in tables. The findings of this study indicated that use of metacognitive reading strategies like notes taking, highlighting, reading more, re-reading, using strengths, reading goals, and revising background knowledge can develop students' proficiency in reading the text. Finally, Pedagogical implications and recommendations for future research are given.





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How to Cite

Khan, F., & Samad, A. (2022). Investigating Metacognitive Reading Strategies to Overcome Barriers in English Reading Comprehension at Kohat University of Science and Technology Kohat ,KP, Pakistan. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 6(2), 83–96. Retrieved from

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