Item Difficulty in Item Analysis of Intelligence Test Items
Difficulty Value, Intelligence Test, Item Difficulty Value, Linguistic, Logical, Mathematical, ObservationalAbstract
Item difficulty is more important technique for item analysis for selecting and rejecting the test items which is utilized by research scholar in present study. This is an effective technique to check the difficulty value of items and on the base of Item difficulty items revised and modified. In current study 1500 participants were recruited voluntarily of required age groups children, adolescence and adulthood. In first try out of test development was prepared 100 items intelligence test. With the help of difficulty valued find out the difficulty value of the intelligence items in Ms excel 2010 and SPSS. There 31 items of intelligence test were rejected on the base of very low and very high difficulty value. Inter correlation within types of intelligence test was high Accepted items item difficulty level was 0.5 and all around above it’s or equal. Through item analysis we rejected 23 items those difficulty value was less than 0.5 and greater than 0.89. item difficulty range was 0.5- 0.88. Eigen values of intelligence types likewise linguistic, observational, mathematical and logical were .88, 776, .80 and .99 respectively. These Eigen values were in acceptable range, thus present intelligence test was reliable.
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