The Impact of Child Labour Laws in Pakistan


  • Syed Qarrar Hussain Shah LL.M. Scholar, Department of Law, The Times Institute, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Shaukat Hussain Bhatti Assistant Professor, Department of Law, The Times Institute, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Vagiha Naz Lecturer, Department of Education, Govt. Zainab Associate College Multan, Punjab, Pakistan


Child Labour, Employment, Legislation, International Organizations, Labour Laws


Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend school regularly, and is dangerous mentally, physically, socially or morally is harmful. This process is considered exploitative by many international organizations. Legislation around the world prohibits child labour. These laws do not consider all child labour to be child labour. The research in hand deals with the new amendment in child labour Act and its impact on the minors in Pakistan. How the international organizations work for the betterment of children all over the world, including the work of UNICEF, ILO. UNICEF and ILO have differentiated between child work and child labour. According to them if a child helps in the house chores or family business but it doesn’t affect his health or schooling it doesn’t fall in the category of child labour but if it does affect a child’s physical health, psychological health and schooling, it falls in the category of child labour.





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How to Cite

Hussain Shah, S. Q., Hussain Bhatti, S., & Naz, V. (2022). The Impact of Child Labour Laws in Pakistan. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 6(2), 840–848. Retrieved from