A New Hadrian’s Wall: Managing Pak Afghan Border Security, Diplomatic and Economic Dimensions


  • Asif Jehangir Raja Research Scholar, Department of Social Sciences, Iqra University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Ali Khan Ghumro Assistant Professor, Department of international Relations, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Dr. Rizwan Zeb Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Iqra University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Afghanistan, Af-Pak, South Asian security, Border management, Durand line, Pakistan


The interactions between Pakistan and Afghanistan are driven by mutual socio-cultural and economic benefits. Nevertheless, Durand line has remained the bone of contention between two countries since the established of Pakistan. However consistent rise in cross border militancy, smuggling and terrorist attacks has forced Pakistan to take measures to avoid such a scenario. The main objective of this study is to find a well-orchestrated system to stabilize, manage, and control Pak-Afghan border. The qualitative research method is applied to conduct a critical and comparative analysis based on secondary data. Study findings suggest that to ensure economic interdependence and security on both sides of border, two neighbors should extend hand of cooperation to bring peace and stability in the region. There is need for further research to understand the benefits of cooperation between two countries and opportunities for mutual economic progress




    Abstract Views: 59

How to Cite

Jehangir Raja, A., Khan Ghumro, A., & Zeb, R. (2022). A New Hadrian’s Wall: Managing Pak Afghan Border Security, Diplomatic and Economic Dimensions. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 6(2), 942–955. Retrieved from https://ojs.pssr.org.pk/journal/article/view/188