Enigmas of Deterritoriazation: Interplay between Home and Exile in Tarar's Lenin For Sale


  • Somal Khalid M. Phil English, Department of English, Govt. College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Prof. Dr. Mazhar Hayat Chairperson, Department of English, Govt. College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Saira Akhter Assistant Professor, Department of English, Govt. College Women University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan


Contrapuntal Vision, Deterritorialized Flux, Enigmas of Deterritoriazation, Exilic Cosmopolitanism, Home, Multi-Loctionality


The objective of this study is to show that by deterritorializing this national subsistence, the exiles encounter inescapable enigmas of deterritorialization which are difficult to comprehend. Fixed origins come into question, homes become provisional and identities fluid. The deterritorialized flux which they encounter in the resettlement phase leaves the people in limbo. The spatial dislocation alters the platitudinous concept of home into a mere imaginary construct. Tarar's Lenin for Sale probes deep into the lives of Pakistani characters whose confrontation with the consumerist dystopia goads them to reconfigure their lives by submitting to the capital. After the dismantling of their ideological leanings, they feel increasingly nostalgic for their native land. They return for the love of their land but it refuses to recognize them due to their exposure to the foreign land. The present study is supported by theoretical confluence of Edward Said and Avtar Brah who critique the fixed origins and study home and exile both materially and metaphorically. The findings of this study show that the exiles suffer from the baffling aftermaths of deterritorialization when various notions of home are questioned.





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How to Cite

Khalid, S., Hayat, M., & Akhter, S. (2022). Enigmas of Deterritoriazation: Interplay between Home and Exile in Tarar’s Lenin For Sale. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 6(2), 1077–1088. Retrieved from https://ojs.pssr.org.pk/journal/article/view/197

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