Translanguaging as a tool to Decolonize English Language Teaching in Pakistan: Opportunities and Challenges


  • Imran Ali Lecturer, Department of English, GC University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Umer Azim Assistant Professor, Department of English, Government Graduate College, Township, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan
  • Attiq Ur Rehman Lecturer, Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan



Challenges, Colonization, Decolonization, Opportunities, Translanguaging


The study aims to highlight Pedagogical Translanguaging as a decolonizing tool for the 2nd language English learners in Pakistani academia. Firstly, it explored the opportunities given to students and teachers to exercise translanguaging as a pedagogy in English language teaching (ELT) to promote cultural heterogeneity. Secondly, it uncovered the challenges faced by students and teachers to implement translanguaging as a decolonizing tool to counter imperialistic English language teaching practices. Thirdly, it concluded that translanguaging may prove an effective teaching methodology to make students more confident to use their linguistic repertoire in the 2nd language English learning classrooms. Following a quantitative research methodology, the data were collected through a Google Form from the students of public sector universities. Later, the obtained data were analyzed through SPSS to see the descriptive value of the variables. Consequently, this study recommends translanguaging for the promotion of multilingual identities in the global world.





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How to Cite

Ali, I., Azim, M. U., & Rehman, A. U. (2024). Translanguaging as a tool to Decolonize English Language Teaching in Pakistan: Opportunities and Challenges. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(1), 246–254.