The Stability of Pakistan Economy and IMF Deals: An Analysis


  • Nouman Faraz Khan MPhil Scholar: Economics and Finance, Pakistan institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Amber Zahra MPhil Scholar: Business Economics, Pakistan institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Jawad Khan PhD Scholar: School of Economics and Finance and Economics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xian, China



Current Account Deficit, Foreign Reserves, GDP Growth, IMF, Pakistan


This study examined the time series analysis of the Stability of Pakistan Economy and IMF Deals" from 1992 to 2021. The data utilized in this research is secondary, and we gather it from the source’s World Bank and Economics survey of Pakistan. Logistic regression and Autoregressive distribution lags methods applied to determine the economic factors compelling Pakistan to continue relying on the IMF and establish a link between IMF loans and Pakistan's economy. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Imports to Exports Ratio (IMPEX), Reserves (RES), Current account balance (CUR), Total debt service (TDS), Primary Deficit (PD), Government final consumption expenditure (GOV), Tax revenue (TR) and Governance (AVGGI) has been statistically significant impact on the IMF deals with Pakistan government in logistic regression model and Autoregressive distribution lags ARDL. We find that policy actions to increase tax revenue, decrease government expenditures, decrease imports, the exports ratio and adjust the exchange rate are essential considerations.





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How to Cite

Khan, N. F., Zahra, A., & Khan, J. (2024). The Stability of Pakistan Economy and IMF Deals: An Analysis. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(1), 319–332.