Governance, Nationalism, or Diplomacy for Global COVID-19 Outbreak Response


  • María Esther Morales-Fajardo Associate Professor , CRIM-UNAM, Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research , National Autonomous University of Mexico, Toluca, México
  • Héctor M. Morales-Fajardo Ph. D Scholar , FI-UAEMex , Department of Engineering at Autonomous University of State of Mexico


Governance, Post- Pandemic, Vaccine Diplomacy, Vaccine Nationalism


The document discusses the efforts to manage Covid-19 outbreak global governance response on an equitable and timely way using the Covax mechanism and the reality imposed by developed countries’ agenda through nationalism and vaccine diplomacy. The analysis is based on hegemonic approaches in the international relations contrasting with the global cooperation approach. At a glance, cooperation and solidarity have been misunderstood as charitable diplomacy, in addition to the selfishness and discrimination of the nationalist measures of countries with significant financial and geopolitical resources that have monopolized vaccination for their population.





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How to Cite

Morales-Fajardo, M. E., & Morales-Fajardo, H. M. (2022). Governance, Nationalism, or Diplomacy for Global COVID-19 Outbreak Response. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 6(1), 01–12. Retrieved from