Categorical Perception of Colours and the Temporal Progressive (Order) in Native Punjabi Male and Female (Educated and Uneducated) Speakers of Gujranwala


  • Ayesha Riaz Lecturer, Department of English, Government Associate College, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Ayaz Ahmad Lecturer, Department of English, GIFT University, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Qasir Naseer MS Scholar, Department of English, University of Sialkot, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan



Colour Perception, Dialects, Sapir Whorf Hypothesis, Temporal Direction


This study explores the impact of language on temporal progression, color perception, and categorization in L1 Punjabi speakers, focusing on gender and education level differences. The goal of the study is to investigate whether language shapes our thoughts. 60 L1 speakers were selected by using simple random sampling method. Data from 60 L1 speakers was taken by giving them some pictures. The researcher found that educated male speakers were less proficient at naming colors compared to uneducated males, while female speakers were better at color perception and naming than educated females. The study concludes that the L1 language greatly influences how we perceive and categorize colors and temporal progression, and that gender differences also play a role in this phenomenon. The study suggests that language shapes our worldview and gender influences perception of the same concept, indicating the importance of considering language and gender in communication.





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How to Cite

Riaz, A., Ahmad, A., & Naseer, Q. (2023). Categorical Perception of Colours and the Temporal Progressive (Order) in Native Punjabi Male and Female (Educated and Uneducated) Speakers of Gujranwala. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 7(1), 51–64.