Boosting Shareholder Value: The Impact of Green Bonds on Equity Markets


  • Ume Salma Akbar Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration at Sukkur Institute of Business Administration Sukkur Sindh Pakistan
  • Niaz Ahmed Bhutto Professor, Department of Business Administration at Sukkur Institute of Business Administration Sukkur Sindh Pakistan
  • Naseer Ullah Khan Department of Business Administration at Sukkur Institute of Business Administration Sukkur Sindh Pakistan



Equity Market, G7 Economies, Green Bonds, Shareholder Value, Sustainable Finance


The study empirically investigates the impact of green bonds issuance on listed firms operating in G7 (Japan, UK, USA, France, Germany, Italy, and Canada) economies. The sample consist of monthly data ranges from January 2015 to August 2022. Green bonds issuance data is collected from announcements, press releases, and semi-annual or yearly reports. Additionally, we use the official websites and credit rating agency portals of the particular country to find debt issuance. The subsequent findings imply that the issuance of green bonds cast a positive impact on shareholder wealth maximization moreover, sustainable financing practice increases firm value in a long run and thus is favored by shareholders.





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How to Cite

Akbar, U. S., Bhutto, N. A., & Khan, N. U. (2024). Boosting Shareholder Value: The Impact of Green Bonds on Equity Markets. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(1), 41–52.