Job Embeddedness: A Framework For Understanding Factors Affecting School Teachers Retention in Pakistan


  • Dr. Rabia Ghaffar Assistant Professor of Education, Govt. Graduate College for Women, Wahdat Colony, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Muhammad Abiodullah Chairman, Department of Research & Evaluation, University of Punjab Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan



Community, Educators, Family, Job Embeddedness, Organization, Sacrifice, School, Teachers


Teacher turnover in Pakistan is a pervasive problem at all levels of the educational sector, which negatively influences the continuity of teaching, student outcomes, and overall school functioning. The paper explores job embeddedness as a framework for understanding and tackling teacher turnover. The study is quantitative, and a cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect data using the Job embeddedness scale as an instrument. Elementary school educators from two tehsils in Lahore district were the sample. Results revealed that male elementary school educators are more embedded than females. In urban areas, elementary school educators are found to be more embedded. It is also evident in the results that the higher degree is attained, the more embeddedness in the job is achieved. Hence, it is concluded that more supportive policies should be implemented to elevate the job embeddedness of female school teachers.





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How to Cite

Ghaffar, R., & Abiodullah, M. (2024). Job Embeddedness: A Framework For Understanding Factors Affecting School Teachers Retention in Pakistan. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(2), 17–28.