Democratization in Africa: Case study Kenya and Ethiopia


  • Sundus Abdirisak Osman M.Phil. Scholar, Riphah institute of public policy, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Sadi Yousaf M.Phil. Scholar, Riphah institute of public policy, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Prof. Dr. Sheikh Waleed Rasool Professor, Riphah institute of public policy, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan



Democratization, Elections, Ethiopia, Kenya, Civil Agitation, Coups D’état, Policy Makers


This study applied the mixed approach on primary data. It is comprative study of democratic system in Kenya and Ethiopia. The developed theoretical framework prism of the two third world African Countries. The study explored the modules of the democracy in these neighboring east African states. Both nations have same colonial legacies and political mindset. it investigated causes behind post elections conflicts in these African nations and its effects. This paper explores the Democratization in Kenya and Ethiopia as third world countries, and provides a better understanding of the practical implementation of democratic principles in both Countries. The continuing wave of, as well as civil agitation carries spillover effects. It carried SWAT analysis, This paper advocates several recommendations Focus on Transparency Increase transparency and accountability in resource allocation to reduce insecurity and rebuild public trust. Both Kenya and Ethiopia need to strengthen their democratic institutions such as the judiciary and the electoral commission. Economic development is important, but it should not come at the expense of democracy. Regional Cooperation Encourage collaboration between Kenya and Ethiopia, along with other African nations, to share best practices in democratic governance.





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How to Cite

Osman, S. abdirisak, Yousaf, S., & Rasool, S. W. (2024). Democratization in Africa: Case study Kenya and Ethiopia. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(2), 176–191.