Investigating the narrative structure of Old Man and the Sea: A comparative analysis of Bremond’s model The Logic of Narrative Possibilities and the Actantial Model of Greimas


  • Dr. Ayaz Muhammad Shah Lecturer, Department of English, Hazara University, Mansehra KP Pakistan
  • Dr. Abdul Shakoor Assistant Professor, Department of English Hazara University, Mansehra KP Pakistan



Amelioration, Degradation, Potentiality/Objective Defined, Process of Actualization, Obstacle, Objective Reached/Missed, Subject, Object, Helper, Opponent, Sender and receiver


The present study attempts to test Bremond’s model The Logic of Narrative Possibilities and the Actantial Model of Greimas through explicating the narrative structure of the novel, Old Man and the Sea. In this research, a mixed method along with comparative study is mad through the application of these models to narratives structure of the novel. The research explores that both these reductionist models, though use different terminology, investigate the same issues and structure of the story. Hence, they have a strong association. This comparative study of structure inquiry has been used for the first time in broaching the structure of Old Man and the Sea. This study affirms the universality of these models that can be applied to all forms of narrative fiction. Hence it is recommended for the researchers to carry out further study by applying them to the structures of other forms of narrative fiction, like short stories, visual narratives and paintings. Thus, the research shows a new vista for researchers to probe further





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How to Cite

Shah, A. M., & Shakoor, A. (2024). Investigating the narrative structure of Old Man and the Sea: A comparative analysis of Bremond’s model The Logic of Narrative Possibilities and the Actantial Model of Greimas. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(3), 813–825.