Cybersecurity and Sovereignty: The Conflict among States in Governing Cyberspace


  • Dr. Sabir Ijaz Assistant Professor (visiting) Department of International Relations, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Karachi Campus, Sindh, Pakistan



Cyberspace, Cybersecurity, Sovereignty, Warfare


The main objective of the paper is to highlight the problems the modern states face from prevailing cyberspace and usage of internet. It explains how cyberspace undermines/threats the state sovereignty. It also focuses how states can negotiate/cooperate to solve this problematic issue. Sovereignty is regarded as one of the requisite component of state formation. A state tends to establish its sovereignty over its territories by all possible means to prove its identity. However, technological advancements and new innovations present novel challenges to the state’s sovereignty in maintaining its cyber space. Political leaders predicted in 1990s that information age would undermine states’ territorial integrity and sovereignty. States and international organization have not been successful in yielding consensus how to regulate cyberspace under strict international laws to meet these new developments. Presently, prevalent digital technologies and ubiquitous cyber incidents are challenging national sovereignty more than some of the rising international tensions. This study signposts these emerging challenges in detail which are presented by cyberspace. The study qualitative in nature. It mainly investigates and reviews the books, journal articles and reports on the topic. The study concludes that cyberspace and extensive growth of internet usage would become a global concern. It also clarifies how cyberspace might threat the state sovereignty in modern era. The study recommends that states must cooperate to mitigate cyberwarfare to avoid future conflicts and technological warfare.





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How to Cite

Ijaz, S. (2024). Cybersecurity and Sovereignty: The Conflict among States in Governing Cyberspace. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(4), 706–714.