The Impact of ICT on College Libraries' Technical and Reference Services


  • Arif Ali M. Phil Scholar, Department of Library and Information Management, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Superior University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Ahmad Shah Department of Library and Information Management, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Superior University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Nusrat Ali Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Information Management, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan



Digital Material, ICT, Library Services, Reference Services, Technical Services


This research was conducted to explore the impact of ICT on library technical and reference services in the public sector college libraries of Punjab. The quantitative approach and survey method was used by distributing the questionnaire to all the population of 236 professionals having minimum 16 years of education. 187 valid responses were received with a response rate of 79.23 %. The mean value concerning to the impact of ICT on library technical and reference services was below the average 3 and score of technical services was a little higher than reference services. The age experience and ICT training were found significant positive predictor for better impact of ICT on both library services. A non-significant positive relationship was also detected in the two variables of gender and qualification. The mean value for using ICT among male and higher qualified respondents was a little higher than female and lower degree holders. The electronic devices should be provided in the libraries. The opportunities for ICT training should be increased with special reference to the female professionals. This study is important for authorities making policies and releasing funds for libraries and it would prove a good contribution in the existing literature on the impact of ICT on the services rendering by the college libraries of Punjab, Pakistan.





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How to Cite

Ali, A., Shah, M. A., & Ali, N. (2024). The Impact of ICT on College Libraries’ Technical and Reference Services. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(2), 94–107.