Shocks in Consumption Pattern of Households to Economic Recession in Nigeria: A Case of Sanga Local Government Area of Kaduna State
Consumptions, Economic Recession, Households, PatternAbstract
The study examined the shocks in consumption pattern of households to economic recession in Sanga Local Government of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study administered 90 structured questionnaires to the respondents who were randomly selected from different heads of households across three traditional chiefdoms in the local government; 30 respondents in each of the three chiefdoms. The data gathered were analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result reveals that the economic recession has negative effects on households’ income and household’s consumption pattern in the local government. The study therefore, recommends that, the government should diversify the economy to agricultural base economy in order to stimulate consumption of households and subsequently expand economic growth in the Local government and the country at large. The State and local government should improve infrastructural facilities such as roads and markets such as to improve the income and consumption pattern of the people in the area.
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