The Role of Workplace Ostracism on Employee Work Involvement: Mediating Role of Job Connectedness and Moderating Role of Intrinsic Motivation


  • Adnan Ahmed Khan Lecturer, Department of Commerce University of Loralai, Balochistan, Pakistan
  • Chaudhry Arslan Khan MS Management Sciences, Bahria Business School, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Uzma Niaz Awan MS Management Sciences, Bahria Business School, Islamabad, Pakistan



Employee Involvement, Intrinsic Motivation, Job Connectedness, Workplace Ostracism


The article investigates the impact of workplace ostracism on employee work involvement, and how job connectedness and intrinsic motivation play mediating and moderating roles, respectively. Data was collected from 187 employee’s working in hospitality industry of Pakistan. The results reveal that Workplace Ostracism has a negative impact on employee work involvement, but the effect is partially mediated by job connectedness and moderated by intrinsic motivation. The findings suggest that increasing job connectedness and promoting intrinsic motivation can help buffer the negative effects of Workplace Ostracism and enhance employee engagement and performance. The study has implications for organizations, managers, and policymakers, as it highlights the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive work environment and of promoting employee well-being and engagement.





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How to Cite

Khan, A. A., Khan, C. A., & Awan, U. N. (2024). The Role of Workplace Ostracism on Employee Work Involvement: Mediating Role of Job Connectedness and Moderating Role of Intrinsic Motivation. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 8(2), 907–919.